Primer caso, en un estado brasileño, de tratamiento quirúrgico de una fractura distal de clavícula con placa bloqueada con un botón pegado asociado a otro botón subcoracoideo asistido por artroscopía

Keywords: Arthroscopy, Fracture, Clavicle


The treatment of distal clavicle fractures can be accomplished through several options. Locking plates associated with coracoclavicular buttons are an alternative to stabilize ligament injuries associated with Craig’s type IIB fractures. Arthroscopy can assist in positioning the subcoracoid dog button.

We present the case of a thirty-five-year-old female fell from a bicycle with direct trauma to her left shoulder. Radiographs showed comminuted fracture of the distal clavicle associated with ligament injuries (Craig’s type IIB). We opted for surgical treatment with a locked plate with a coupled button associated with a subcoracoid dog bone, assisted by arthroscopy. Through a direct region route over the mediolateral clavicle, the fracture fragments were anatomically reduced and fixed with a locked plate for the distal clavicle and seven screws. Posterior arthroscopic portal was performed to visualize the joint. Anterior portal was performed and the rotator space and subcoracoid region was exposed. With the aid of special guides, two buttons were installed (one sub-coracoid button and other attached to the plate) connected by special wires (“tapes”). Three months after the surgery, the patient was pain-free and returned to sports at the level prior to the injury. Normal ROM was achieved and radiographs with the anatomically consolidated fracture and normal coracoclavicular distance.

Author Biographies

Luiz Marcelo Bastos Leite, Aliança Hospital

SBCOC and SBRATE member

Master by UNIFESP

Benno Ejnisman

Professor adjunto da UNIFESP
Doutor pela UNIFESP

How to Cite
Márcio Passos, L., Bastos Leite, L.M. and Ejnisman, B. 2023. Primer caso, en un estado brasileño, de tratamiento quirúrgico de una fractura distal de clavícula con placa bloqueada con un botón pegado asociado a otro botón subcoracoideo asistido por artroscopía. Revista Artroscopia. 30, 01 (Mar. 2023).