Black meniscus: Ochronosis as a finding during arthroscopic procedure

  • Alejandro Quintero Dr
  • David Mauas
  • Maximiliano Damonte
Keywords: Arhtoscopy, Alkaptonuria, Ocronosis, Ochronotic Arthropathy


Ochronosis is a sign caused by the accumulation of homogentisic acid in collagen-rich connective tissues. The disease underlying this disorder is alkaptonuria, a rare metabolic disorder in the catabolism of tyrosine and phenylalanine.

We present the cases of two patients with meniscal tears whose diagnosis of alkaptonuria was verified after the arthroscopic finding of black pigmentation in the tissues of the knee.

How to Cite
Quintero, A., Mauas, D. and Damonte, M. 2020. Black meniscus: Ochronosis as a finding during arthroscopic procedure. Revista Artroscopia. 27, 3 (Oct. 2020).
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