Introduction: the purpose of this study study was to evaluate the influence of age, sex, body mass index and previous blood count of patients on the final composition of the PRP.
Material and methods: a multivariate analysis was performed in three hundred patients to determine the relationship between sex, age, body mass index (BMI) and the characteristics of the baseline blood count with the final composition of the PRP.
Results: the number of final platelets showed a direct relationship with the basal platelets (F (9.187) = 2.067, p = 0.034). When the basal platelets increased by one unit, the final platelets increased on average with a range of values from 0.236 to 4.618 (95% CI, p = 0.00752).
Discussion: the mean expected value of leukocytes for the “low” protocol is 1597 and for the “rich” level it was 9253, with a 95% CI the “rich” protocol is expected to increase on average the amount of final leukocytes between 280 and 785 % with respect to the “low” protocol (p <0.001). None of the other variables studied had a significant influence on the final composition of the PRP.
Conclusion: the amount of platelets in the basal blood count significantly affected the final concentration of platelets in the PRP. Likewise, the preparation protocol affected the final leukocyte concentration, being the same significantly higher in the leukocyterich PRP protocol than in the leukocyte-poor protocol. Sex, BMI and previous HTO did not significantly influence the final platelet or leukocyte concentrations of the final PRP.
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