Artroscopía en fractura-luxación de cadera

  • Marvin Antonio Acosta González no
  • Laura Julissa Torrez Hernández
  • Rafael Antonio Zelaya Alaniz
Keywords: Hip Dislocation, Hip Arthroscopy, Osteochondral Free Body


Intra-articular loose bodies in traumatic hip dislocations with or without acetabular fracture are common. We present a clinical case of a female patient who had a traffic accident, with a left hip fracture-dislocation. Hip arthroscopy was performed, removing intra-articular fragment. It has had a satisfactory evolution in its follow – up. Control CT of the hip does not show an osteochondral fragment in its follow – up, nor joint degeneration. Harris score 95.

How to Cite
Acosta González, M.A., Torrez Hernández, L.J. and Zelaya Alaniz , R.A. 2022. Artroscopía en fractura-luxación de cadera. Revista Artroscopia. 29, 03 (Sep. 2022).