Resultados funcionales para lesiones completas del manguito rotador con reparación artroscópica mediante fila simple en pacientes con compensación laboral

Keywords: rotator cuff tear, single row repair, workers compensation scales


Introduction: the objective of this study is to assess the functional results, the percentage of re-tears and the time to return to work, in patients with complete tears of the rotator cuff arthroscopically repaired using simple row suture.

Materials and methods: one hundred and seven patients were retrospectively evaluated. Complete acute tears types 1 and 2 of the Davidson and Burkhart classification, in workers, were included. Partial, massive tears (greater than 3 cm), evolving for more than six months, or requiring additional treatments, were excluded. The following scores were used for the assessment of results: the Simple Shoulder Test (SST), the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and the scale of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Society (ASES).

Results: with a follow-up of 37.8 months, the following results were obtained: SST scores was 8.2 (68.8 ± 2.9%), VAS used for pain assessment was 93.3%, and the mean ASES was 89%. The percentage of re-tears was 7.5%. The QDASH differed in patients without re-rupture 27 ± 2.5% from the cases of re-rupture 60.2 ± 4.1%.

Conclusion: we considered that the single row suture technique performed arthroscopically is a valid option that allows to obtain good functional results in selected acute rotator cuff injuries of up to 3 cm in worker population.

How to Cite
Suárez, R., Silva, E., Costa, C. and Gelink, A. 2022. Resultados funcionales para lesiones completas del manguito rotador con reparación artroscópica mediante fila simple en pacientes con compensación laboral. Revista Artroscopia. 29, 02 (Jun. 2022).