Reparación Meniscal con Técnica Todo Adentro

  • Pablo Rainaudi Centro de Estudio y Tratamiento de Enfermedades Articulares, CETEA. C.A.B.A., Argentina.
  • Matías Medus Centro de Estudio y Tratamiento de Enfermedades Articulares, CETEA. C.A.B.A., Argentina.
  • Zaira Lamar Centro de Estudio y Tratamiento de Enfermedades Articulares, CETEA. C.A.B.A., Argentina.
  • Jorge Batista Centro de Estudio y Tratamiento de Enfermedades Articulares, CETEA. C.A.B.A., Argentina.
  • Rodrigo Maestu Centro de Estudio y Tratamiento de Enfermedades Articulares, CETEA. C.A.B.A., Argentina.
Keywords: Meniscal Suture, All Inside


Meniscus conservation is essential because it is a cartilaginous structure that fulfills very important functions related to the preservation of articular cartilage and stabilization of the knee.
The all-inside meniscal suture technique has the advantage that can be use in any area of the meniscus.
There is evidence of better results with meniscal suture versus meniscectomy.
We evaluated 28 patients with meniscal suture with all inside technique. We used Tegner and Lysholm subjective score.
Of the total of the sample there were 2 patients that required a second surgery due to suture failure, however most of the patients experienced a clear improvement.
The all-inside meniscal suture has the advantage of being a fast, safe technique, which usually does not require additional incisions.

How to Cite
Rainaudi, P., Medus, M., Lamar, Z., Batista, J. and Maestu, R. 2020. Reparación Meniscal con Técnica Todo Adentro. Revista Artroscopia. 27, 01 (Mar. 2020), 5-9.
Meta-análisis/ Revision Sistematica