Lesión Tipo Rampa Meniscal. Actualización, Técnica Quirúrgica y Experiencia Personal

  • Matias Costa Paz Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Juan Pablo Zicaro Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Carlos Yacuzzi Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Keywords: Anterior Cruciate Ligament, ACL, Meniscocapsular Lesion, RAMP Lesion


Meniscal ramp lesions are a longitudinal tear of the peripheral attachment of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus at the meniscocapsular union, associated with the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. They can be difficult to diagnose clinically because they can be asymptomatic; magnetic resonance imaging has a sensitivity of less than 50%; and arthroscopically, from the anterolateral portal these lesions are hard to find. For diagnosing and treating these lesions, it is necessary to systematically look for them by direct visualization of the posterior meniscocapsular junction through the intercondylar space and working from a posteromedial portal. These types of injuries are difficult to diagnose and treat. We present the surgical technique for the detection and repair of meniscal ramp lesions.

How to Cite
Costa Paz, M., Zicaro, J.P. and Yacuzzi, C. 2020. Lesión Tipo Rampa Meniscal. Actualización, Técnica Quirúrgica y Experiencia Personal. Revista Artroscopia. 27, 01 (Mar. 2020), 14-18.
Meta-análisis/ Revision Sistematica