Uso de PRP en Sutura Meniscal

  • Francisco Figueroa Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana-Universidad del Desarrollo. Santiago, Chile.
Keywords: PRP, Meniscus, Meniscal Repair, Plasma, Platelet


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been used in different aspects of orthopedics, including muscle, bone, tendons and ligament surgery. PRP might accelerate or improve the healing process, allowing an earlier return to sports activities. PRP is obtained from autologous blood, which is centrifuged, obtaining platelets and growth factor concentrations higher than those of regular blood.
Meniscal repair with the use of PRP has not attracted the same amount of investigation compared to ligamentous surgery. Currently, there are few published studies available regarding the effect of PRP on meniscal repair outcomes, and most of them are underpowered to assess repair failure as a primary outcome measure.
With the actual evidence we cannot recommend for the use of PRP in every meniscal repair, but encouraging evidence is being published supporting its use in patients with higher risk of failure (isolated repairs, extended indications).

How to Cite
Figueroa, F. 2020. Uso de PRP en Sutura Meniscal. Revista Artroscopia. 27, 01 (Mar. 2020), 36-40.
Meta-análisis/ Revision Sistematica