Tendones peroneos: una revisión contemporánea

Keywords: Peroneal, Tear, Tendon Disorders, Subluxation, Instability, Peroneus


Pathology of the peroneal tendons is complex and often underdiagnosed. Knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics, and physiopathology is necessary for diagnosing and treating this condition.

The objective of this article is to review the most updated information regarding peroneal tendon pathology (tendinopathy, dislocation/subluxation, and tears), which may help managing patients with lateral pain of the foot and ankle.

How to Cite
Ahumada Pavez, X., Pellegrini, M., Chaparro, F., Albarrán, C., Ortiz, C., Carcuro, G. and Dalmau-Pastor, M. 2024. Tendones peroneos: una revisión contemporánea. Revista Artroscopia. 30, 04 (Feb. 2024).