¿Son reversibles los fenómenos degenerativos del cuádriceps al reparar diferidamente una lesión del tendón patelar?

  • Alex Vaisman Facultad Medicina Clinica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Rodrigo Guiloff Facultad Medicina Clínica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Maximiliano Scheu Facultad Medicina Clinica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Javier Oyarce Facultad Medicina Clinica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Marcela Gallegos Facultad Medicina Clinica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Marcelo Valdes
  • Rafael Calvo Facultad Medicina Clinica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo
  • David Figueroa Facultad Medicina Clinica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo
Keywords: Extensor Mechanism, Quadriceps, Muscular Degeneration, Tendon Repair, Knee



Evaluate the regression of degenerative changes in the quadricipital muscle after a delayed extensor mechanism repair. The hypothesis is that a delayed repair favors the regression of degenerative changes related to the precocity of the repair. 

Material and Methods

Experimental study in 15 BKS male mice: a complete section of both patellar tendons was made. Animals were randomly divided into 3 study groups (5 mice per group), according to the week after the lesions at which the right quadriceps were repaired: 1 (Group 1), 2 (Group 3), and 4 (Group 3). Left quadriceps remained unrepaired and was used as the corresponding control for each group. All animals were sacrificed 4 weeks after the repair. A blind pathologist analyzed macroscopic and histologic evaluations. Statistical analysis included tests for paired and independent samples (p=0.05).


- Macroscopy: there were three repair failures, two in group 2 and one in group 3. Quadricipital length in group 1 was the only significant difference (p = 0.04222) observed between the intervened muscles and their corresponding control. No statistical differences were present between the intervention groups, neither when compared to their corresponding controls for the other macroscopic parameters. 

- Histology: No statistical differences were present between the intervention groups, neither when compared to their corresponding controls for the other macroscopic parameters.


A delayed repair of a complete knee extensor mechanism injury in this experimental model did not demonstrate the regression of the degenerative muscle changes. The precocity of the repaired correlated with fewer repair failures and a greater quadricipital length.

Clinical Relevance: 

The present experimental study enhances the importance of an early repair for complete knee extensor mechanism injury. 

Key Words: Extensor Mechanism, Quadriceps, Muscular Degeneration, Tendon Repair, Knee 

How to Cite
Vaisman, A., Guiloff, R., Scheu, M., Oyarce, J., Gallegos, M., Valdes, M., Calvo, R. and Figueroa, D. 2020. ¿Son reversibles los fenómenos degenerativos del cuádriceps al reparar diferidamente una lesión del tendón patelar?. Revista Artroscopia. 27, 4 (Oct. 2020).
Artículo Original