“Guideline” to define the Indication of anterolateral ligament reconstruction associated to an ACL surgery.

  • Matías Costa Paz medico
  • Carlos yacuzziY HIBA
  • Andres Zuain HIBA
  • Juan Pablo Zícaro
Keywords: anterolateral ligament. ACL. Plasty extra articular indication



The purpose of this study is to describe a “Guideline” to be followed by surgeons in order to decide the need to perform an Anterolateral ligament Reconstruction (ALL-R) together with an Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction or revision. This “Guideline for ALL-R” is based on indications suggested in literature. The Guideline includes 5 Major criteria: Pivot shift grade III, Contact sports, Competitive Athletes, ≤ 25 year-old, ACL Revision. Nine minor criteria: Hyperlaxity, KT-1000  with ≥ 8 mm, Chronic instability, meniscal lesion background, Contralateral knee instability, Body Mass Index  ≥30, Segond fracture, Tibial plateau slope ≥10°, severe anterior translation of the tibia.

In conclusion, this guideline allows to standardize the indication of ALL-R that presently depends on each surgeon’s experience and criteria.

How to Cite
Costa Paz, M., yacuzziY, C., Zuain, A. and Zícaro, J.P. 2020. “Guideline” to define the Indication of anterolateral ligament reconstruction associated to an ACL surgery. Revista Artroscopia. 27, 3 (Oct. 2020).
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