Return to Sport After Isolated Meniscal Repair in Competitive Contact Sports Athletes


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness of arthroscopic repairs for isolated meniscal tears, and the rate of return to competitive contact sports.

INTRODUCTION: The meniscus plays a role in shock absorption, load distribution, increases the contact surface area and improves femoral-tibial congruence. Meniscal tears alter load transmission, thus increasing dramatically femoral-tibial contact pressures.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: 11 patients treated with isolated arthroscopic meniscal suture were retrospectively evaluated whit a minimum follow-up. Inclusion criteria: isolated acute or semi-acute meniscal tears (0-6 weeks), red-red and red-white zone longitudinal tears, competitive contact sport. Exclusion criteria: meniscal repair associated with other procedures (ACL reconstruction, for example), revision surgery. Sex: 10 men, 1 woman. Age: 24 years average.

RESULTS: Complications : 1 patient lost extension >5º. Return to sport: 10 patients same sport / same level, 1 patient at a lower level. Re-rupture: 1 new entorsis patient in her 3rdpost-surgery season. Subjectively: 10 excellent, 1 fair.

CONCLUSIONS: Young patients red-red or red-white zone isolated meniscal tears, operated in between  6 weeks of injury, have excellent healing rate and high return to contact sports.


How to Cite
MUX, J., Villalba, M., Quiroga, H. and Savastano, C. 2020. Return to Sport After Isolated Meniscal Repair in Competitive Contact Sports Athletes. Revista Artroscopia. 27, 4 (Oct. 2020).
Artículo Original