Manual technique for coracoclavicular cerclage with sutures: An easy, safe and inexpensive method

Keywords: Coracoclavicular cerclage, acromioclavicular dislocation, surgical technique.


Stabilization of high-grade acromioclavicular dislocations with coracoclavicular cerclage methods requires careful manipulation of instruments and fixation devices when approaching the coracoid process. This is risky and technically challenging surgical area due to the close relationship with the brachial plexus and the axillary artery. Specific devices have been developed for this instance, but they can be expensive and rarely available. A reproducible, safe and simple manual technique is presented, which avoids the use of additional devices to perform coracoclavicular cerclage in acromioclavicular fixation or reconstruction.

How to Cite
Gutiérrez Zúñiga, D., Valbuena, F.J. and Largacha, M. 2022. Manual technique for coracoclavicular cerclage with sutures: An easy, safe and inexpensive method. Revista Artroscopia. 29, 01 (Mar. 2022).